


事情发生的经过: As the General Assembly pushed further into the long-session, 随着法案提交量的增加——自上周以来有118项新法案——市政和立法领导人聚在一起吃饭,讨论他们可以在2019年真正富有成效的小镇上共同完成什么 & 国宴 put on by the League this past Wednesday in Raleigh.
单词释义: 立法机关还有很长的路要走, with the budget-writing process still ahead in addition to the handling of myriad House or 森ate proposals, 但我们的地方和州领导人周三定下的和谐基调,对社区层面的需求和立法结果的语境理解是强有力的. 来自北卡罗来纳州各地的数百名官员参加了会议, 你会在这篇公报中找到更多的信息. 
利用: 政府. 罗伊·库珀定于周一交付他的 国情咨文, outlining priorities and expectations on spending as a kind of milemarker in the 状态 budget-writing process. The governor's recommended budget is expected in the near future, while the House and 森ate will also produce budget drafts that all must be conformed to a final version. 在该领域的发展中, 大会工作人员专家项目 本财政年度有1.5亿美元的盈余.销售税收入增长3%. 此外,网络销售税,作为 Wayfair法院里程碑式的判决, could bring in $130 million or more annually for the 状态, according to the staff report. 与此同时,法案审查也在加紧进行.
瘦子: 2019年长会期, 虽然还处于早期阶段, 正在形成势头, 重要的是,北卡罗来纳州的城镇和他们在大会上的代表保持积极的沟通,以获得最佳和最明智的结果. 我们感谢2019年的小镇 & 国宴起到了极大的推动作用. 

2019年的小镇 & 国宴, 上周三,市政府和立法官员在罗利举行了一场亲密的晚宴,结束了一整天的节目, 作为一个令人难忘的成功而载入史册. 还在立法初期的长会期, 近500名代表全州各城镇或参众两院选区的官员聚集在罗利会议中心,讨论未来几个月及以后的团队合作. 这次365足彩下载组织的活动的重点, 已经满了, 是加强或建立各级政府之间的新关系,并认识到我们在一起比分开更有成就. "We all have a common goal of creating a better North Carolina, one that makes each of our towns and cities better palces to live for our citizens,365足彩下载主席迈克尔·拉扎拉说, 杰克逊维尔的临时市长, 告诉大家. 

在紧绷绷地参加了有关经济适用房和充足宽带接入等热门话题的日间学习课程之后, city and 状态 officials kicked off a networking reception before the main event, emceed by President Lazzara with special guest speakers including 森ate leader Phil Berger of Eden, 森. Valerie Foushee of Chapel Hill, House Speaker Pro Tem Sarah Stevens of Mt. 艾里和Rep. 加里的盖尔·阿德科克. The underlying theme was unity for a growing and changing 状态, 而拉扎拉总统强调了城市和城镇的立法目标——基础设施需求, 经济增长, 财政健康和更多——反映了该州540多个自治市和170个立法区的多样性. 
“我要感谢联合国.C. League of Municipalities for inviting me to speak last night at their annual 小镇 & 国宴,”伯杰参议员发推文说 他的Facebook主页 周四. “城镇在为数百万北卡人提供核心服务方面发挥着至关重要的作用,我感谢我们当地民选官员每天所做的出色工作." 
Both Berger and Stevens touted legislative efforts that have improved the 状态's economy, 同时也承认该州的一些地区在制造业失业和其他挑战的影响下落后了, and that 状态 and local officials must continue addressing those needs. Foushee discussed the close work of municipal and 状态 officials that benefits all citizens, 而阿德科克则提到了她在卡里镇议会的经历,以及这些经历如何让她了解市政府的需求.
这次活动再次受到团员们的热烈欢迎. 尊敬的唐·哈迪市长, 在推特上他说:“到场的人很多. A strong show of support from our local government officials and NC delegation!! # NCSTRONG!!!" 
The League would like to thank all legislators and municipal officials who made the 2019 小镇 & 国宴如此有意义的场合.

2019年小镇的与会者 & 周三在罗利举行的国宴上看到了一份简报, 365足彩下载制作的视频,突出了地方一级的经济发展倡议,以及与其他各级政府和私营部门合作的渴望,以实现我们社区实现高质量增长所需的胜利. 以伊甸园, 桑福德, 福奎-瓦里纳和卡纳波利斯, 那个视频, “我们是一个北卡罗来纳,,可供浏览 在这里.

本周,包括《365体育足彩》和《365体育足彩》在内的媒体都关注了北卡罗莱纳州社区对宽带接入的需求 & 罗利的观察员, 两份报纸都发表了评论文章,指出现代互联互通的潜力为农村社区带来了新的经济可能性. “任何人都不可能在缓慢爬行的DSL服务上运行数据密集型业务,这通常是小城镇的唯一选择,“ 费耶特维尔观察家编辑部指出. 这篇文章还引用了共和党众议员奥巴马的话. 大卫•刘易斯, 谁是众议院规则委员会的主席, 选自他的选举通讯, that broadband was his top priority for the 2019 long-session. “为了给全州的人们提供光纤, 政府(联邦, 状态, 县, 本地)应该能够投资光纤基础设施, 反过来, lease them to the service providers who sell access to the consumer. We have to do something so that the people of this 状态 can be connected to our ever-evolving world,他说. 
一块N&O发表 Katie Kienbaum在当地自力更生研究所(ILSR)的社区宽带网络倡议中强调了365足彩下载最近的Let's Connect之旅(与ILSR和NC Hearts Gigabit合作完成)对更好连接的需求. "North Carolina is one of the fastest growing 状态s in the nation, 但它在一个关键指标上落后于同行——宽带,“ piece begins before arguing that improvement would come with contributions from the private sector, 农村合作社以及地方和州政府. 
与此同时,N.C. Broadband Infrastructure Office this week published the 26 applications for the $10 million in the 大格兰特宽带基础设施项目 加强宽频接达. The grant applicatiosn come from a variety of internet service providers (local governments are ineligible). 在19个项目合格的县中, 有多达三个项目申请, 一些人提议以远远超过联邦定义的宽带(下载26mbps /上传3mbps)的速度覆盖居民和企业群体。, while others would only meet that benchmark or fall below it.  
The League has assembled numerous informative resources about the broadband gap at cataleyalounge.net/broadband

允许选民就增加地方收入的方案进行全民公投的提案,本周成为各城镇提交法案的重点. Each proposal would diversify the revenue sources for the affected municipality. 目前, the only significant revenue source that North Carolina cities and towns control is the property tax rate. The League expects similar local bills to be filed in the coming weeks, 但感兴趣的城镇应该尽快向当地立法者提出这些要求,以便赶上最后期限. 森ate local-bill requests are due no later than next Wednesday, Feb. 27. House local bill requests are due the following Wednesday, March 6.​
阅读365足彩下载追踪的所有账单的描述 这个在线账单跟踪器.
地方税收选择法案: 本周提交的单独法案将允许摩尔斯维尔和罗阿诺克急流实施仅限市政的销售税, 由选民投票决定. In Mooresville的案件, the proceeds would pay for road construction and maintenance. 和 去罗阿诺克急流城, the proceeds would repay debt associated with the Roanoke Rapids Theater, and the tax increase would be repealed upon full repayment of that debt.
ABC现代化: 两个账单 本周提交给参众两院,寻求实施临时立法研究委员会的建议,该委员会审查了ABC系统(请阅读365足彩下载关于该研究的报告)。. 最重要的是市政当局, the bill requires counties with more than one ABC board to merge, 导致每个县只有一个委员会. The bill provides details regarding the procedure to follow for this consolidation, but leaves intact the current system of revenue-sharing with local governments. 也, among other changes to modernize the distribution and sale of “spiritous liquor,” the bill authorizes cities to allow ABC stores in their jurisdiction to open on Sundays.

Four months after signing a memorandum of understanding, the N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition this week entered into a formal affiliate agreement. 该协议由都市市长365足彩下载主席、格林斯博罗市长南希·沃恩和365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶于周三在NCLM董事会会议上签署.

沃恩在那次会议上说,这项协议表明“我们州的市政大家庭正在加强我们之间的联系.她和NCLM主席Michael Lazzara都指出,该协议进一步增强了北卡罗来纳州市政府用一个声音说话的能力. The League and the Coalition previously had an affiliate relationship, 从2001年到2013年, 其中,国际365足彩下载提供内部服务. 同时作为独立的实体存在, the Coalition's membership fully overlaps with that of the League. The agreement follows several months of discussions between the two organizations, 双方都认识到合作的价值. 

A number of economic development announcements landed this week. “州向农村社区提供奖励,以吸引153个新就业机会和超过6900万美元的私人投资” 头条新闻发布 来自北方.C. 商务部周四发布的报告. The 状态's Rural Infrastructure Authority greenlit 11 grant requests for local governments with a total of $4.1 million and commitments to create 460 jobs, 153 of which were newly announced. “Smart investments in infrastructure are essential to strengthening rural North Carolina communities,美国商务部长安东尼. 科普兰说.
In other announcements: gene-therapy company AveXis is bringing 200 jobs to the 达勒姆地区; Aetna announced 300 jobs for 高点; and healthcare product maker BestCo plans to create 141 new jobs and a big expansion to its Mooresville 设施. 与社区的密切联系以及他们满足私营部门需求的能力在公告中得到了肯定. “Companies choose to invest in communities where they’ll be able to succeed, and BestCo decided to expand in Mooresville because it knows this community,州长说。. 罗伊•库珀. 

政府. 罗伊·库珀宣布任命当地政府官员为北卡罗来纳州应急委员会成员, 据内部州政府新闻社报道. 其中包括伊丽莎白市警察局长埃迪. 布法罗和伍德芬市市长杰里·维霍恩. 欧盟委员会 一个由18个成员组成的州委员会的任务是通过应急计划保护我们的社区,并告知他们化学危害吗, 其他职责. ​​