


事情发生的经过: The League opened up pre-registration for CityVision 2018, the year's greatest event for cities and towns. 今年, our host city will be Hickory, 节目中会有很多外卖,你可以在你所在的城市应用. 
单词释义: You can sign up now and avoid the elevated walk-in registration fees. Pre-registration ends August 24. Continue reading this Bulletin for more on this year's CityVision. 
在利用: 阿盟的公共和政府事务团队继续整理2018年短会期的立法细节,以形成一份全面但易于理解的文件——会期结束公报, 即将到来的. 
瘦子: 立法机关可能不在城里,但时代一如既往地忙碌,有很多报道. 继续读下去. 
Get ready for CityVision 2018, the League's premier annual event! 参加我们为期两天的主题演讲和信息丰富的会议,这些会议将为您提供应对家乡挑战所需的工具. 今年, CityVision将在每次大会后提供圆桌讨论,以解决共同面临的挑战, 与区域合作伙伴建立联系,并参与便利的讨论,以获得可以立即使用的实用信息.

CityVision 2018 will be in Hickory 并为全州各地的市政官员提供了深入研究宽带和技术等问题的最佳机会, 基础设施, branding your municipality and, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. 

年会也是会员选举官员和修改宪法或章程的地方. 我们鼓励您与来自全州的市政官员一起参加2018年城市视觉! 不要错过这个机会,为北卡罗来纳州所有城镇面临的挑战做好准备. Pre-registration ends Friday, Aug. 所以要早点报名 to avoid increased walk-in registration fees.

The League is accepting proposals for 2018-19 365体育足彩 Goals through Aug. 1. Discuss ideas with your municipal elected officials and staff, and 点击这里 to submit your ideas for advocacy goals. 每两年一次, 你们——北卡罗来纳州的城镇——为即将到来的立法两年期制定立法和监管目标. These goals serve as the guide to the League's advocacy efforts here in Raleigh. 不仅如此, 它们是北卡罗来纳州市政当局优先事项的集体声明, 大与小, 城市, 郊区和农村. 制定市政倡导目标的过程是每个市政当局在告诉州立法者和其他州决策者什么对他们来说是重要的方面有发言权的机会.

The advocacy goals also propel us towards two of the 2030年愿景 Operating Principles: (1) municipal governments exercise greater control of their revenues, 结构和功能, (2)市政府与其他各级政府和私营部门建立富有成效的伙伴关系.
立法 and regulatory goals should include a clear ask, and should have an impact on municipal governments statewide. 根据365足彩下载章程, 你必须在你的目标提案上注明它是否得到了当地议会或董事会的投票和批准. Proposals will be considered by NCLM policy committees, NCLM董事会, and the entire membership during the 365体育足彩 Goals Conference. The League may also request that you visit one of our 政策委员会 进一步解释你建议的目标,作为目标选择过程的一部分.
这是你们的政策制定过程,请大家认真考虑并参与其中. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your proposals by Aug. 1.

The three major bond rating agencies in the U.S. have each reaffirmed North Carolina's AAA status, according to 新闻稿 this week from the office of State Treasurer Dale Folwell. 评级机构——S&P, Moody's and Fitch -- cited "the state's strong economy, growing reserves and conservative fiscal management,新闻稿解释道, 他补充说,北卡罗来纳州是仅有的13个拥有所有主要评级机构AAA称号的州之一. 该机构还指出,此次评级下调是在为第二轮债券发行做准备 the voter-approved Connect NC​ public improvement package, totaling $2 billion for projects including 基础设施, local parks and higher-education institutions. “拥有这些‘AAA’评级确保我们能够以尽可能低的利率借钱, which results in the state having more buying power,司库福尔韦尔说. 

本周,来自全州的预算官员和分析人士聚集在大西洋海滩,参加全国预算大会.C. Local Government Budget Association's 2018年夏季会议, 365足彩下载研究和战略倡议总监克里斯·奈达的立法概述以及365足彩下载播客的现场录音, 市政方程. The three-day event covered topics such as innovation in the profession, 市区商业增长, data visualization and budgeting for information technology. Nida和N.C. Association of County Comissioners Associate General Counsel Paige Worsham, 在会议开幕当天,在大宴会厅向与会者介绍了最近结束的联合国大会短期会议中与地方政府有关的立法. 过去的版本 of this Bulletin gave you week-by-week updates on the legislature's activity. 在365足彩下载即将发布的会期结束公报中可以看到一份全面的报告.   

周四下午, 与会者聚集在会场的一间会议室里,听取海滩城镇为迎接夏季成千上万的居民和游客而准备和提供服务所面临的从古怪到巨大的挑战. The League's Ben Brown, host of 市政方程, led a panel featuring Pine Knoll Shores Town Manager Brian Kramer, Pine Knoll Shores Police Chief Ryan Thompson, and Carteret County Shore Protection Manager Greg "Rudi" Rudolph. 在夏季人口增长525%的情况下保持松丘海岸的安全, to maintaining the beach strand like a piece of 基础设施, 小组成员用令人惊讶的事实和数据带领观众了解了复杂的动态,使谈话变得有趣和有趣. 365足彩下载很快将在市政方程式的特别现场节目中发布这一讨论, 你可以在哪里找到 cataleyalounge.net/municipalequation. 我们的 最新一期 是重播, 与更新, of one of our most popular episodes, 重点关注全国各地的城市正在做些什么来振兴公共和商业用途的小巷. ​

By now, you may be aware that the N.C. 公用事业委员会就影响卡罗来纳州杜克能源公司(DEC)客户的费率案发布了一项命令。, which includes many cities and towns in the western half of the state. 这一命令将给市政当局带来实质性的好处,并使365足彩下载对委员会面前的一些问题进行干预. 我们对结果非常满意,委员会成员仔细和彻底地考虑了我们的论点. 同时, 该命令为NCLM及其成员在若干方面提供了更多的投入. 点击这里 浏览要点和详情.
RIght now, we need your help and your ideas. 在接下来的六个月内, DEC will be filing details regarding the proposed new time-of-use, critical peak pricing and other dynamic rate structures called for in the order. While many customers will be able to take advantage of these new rate structures, the League was the main intervenor to make the requests, 因此,我们希望确保所提出的建议对我们的成员最有用和最有利. NCLM还将继续参与电网现代化的利益相关者过程,并继续与DEC就照明问题进行会面. 请向365足彩下载立法和监管顾问Sarah Collins提供有关这些问题的任何意见 scollins@cataleyalounge.net.

The Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) at N.C. State University wants to showcase your municipality's civic engagement efforts. 如果你认为你的城市做得很好,并且可以通过在全州范围内分享细节来帮助其他人, let IEI know and apply to be one of only five groups that will be showcased at the Emerging Issues Forum​ 9月. 阿什维尔17人. PDF文件提供详细信息 on how to apply by the July 22 deadline. 

The forum is focused on making communities stronger through civic engagement. Many cities across the state, 大大小小的, 农村和城市, already have excellent civic engagement programs in place. Some have town hall forums or "youth solutions" chats. Others have sparked collaboration between entrepreneurs and local government. Many have used technology to engage citizens, like through apps and soliciting input via electronic voting. 让我知道 what's working in your town for the chance to be featured.